First 3 Hour Game Jam

Just wanted to make a game for the three-hour Jam, and this was the best my abilities could allow. Apologies in advance for the repetitive music—this would be the lifetime sum of about two hours doing music, and the track was built in 7 minutes for the Jam.

Would love any honest feedback on it—not that I will likely move any place with the project, but awesome to hear how you liked or hated it.

Very simple

The basic concept: you drag the shape into the swirl, and the swirl will speed up as the score goes up. Just left click to grab the shape and release it on the swirl to score the object

The Swirl will start nice and slow and then it will get shrinking faster when its gone your game is over that's all there is too it, 


No major aspects; took the opportunity to practice infinite spawning and randomization, which I felt went well and I tried a few different variation of it.

Was Happy I had enough time to figure out the best way to save the score.  This Best score is just a local browser save it would be past my ability to implement a global highs core.

I have never tried a browser export either so that chewed up some time to get that working right, ran short on having time to add more variation tot he swirls but that's okay it was a great opportunity to learn new things and take a break.

Overall, a fun little project for a Saturday. Hope you enjoy!


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Fun game, JM! I'm not usually one for these Osu-like games, but I enjoyed it!

Thanks should have called on you for some sound maybe next time !

(1 edit)

Sounds like fun! Maybe next time!